Sunday, August 27, 2006

The Foosball

So I participated in my very first Live Fantasy Football draft this week. Must say I was quite excited. As I have won in my own leagues for the last two years, I have really developed an enjoyment and greater appreciation for football. Until now, I had only had an automatic draft leagues. Once I was asked to join a league with a live draft but since I was home and only had dial up, I had to back out. This year, Kellay granted me a last minute invite into her league. It was exciting...until those biotches took my Shaun Alexander and Torry Holt. I've been doing this for six years, and I have never had a team that did not field both of these players, that makes me a bit nervous but I think I did a pretty successful draft on my own.

It seems as though "the wash" is biting my style this time. As you'll notice on his write up of Mo's wedding he has several pictures posted. I can't help but notice that he does not give credit to the photographer who is responsible for these awesome shots, thus making it appear as though he is the photographer in question. Veddy interesting.

AWash has been caught in a lie. Bad boy, he should know better than to lie to me, I inevitably find out such things. Especially dangerous when the lie in question involves the claim of being out of country when one's car is parked outside less than a quarter mile from where I live. Tsk tsk tsk, Awash....will you ever learn?

My first week at Mt. Ida has been completed. Mt. Ida College is the place to be if you want to go into Funeral Services or even art, but other than that I think the current rankings made a third/fourth tier school. Its pretty small, which means parking will be an issue this week now that class is back in session, but hopefully the story that no ones pays attention to the signs designating faculty/staff parking are just a myth and I will have no issues. Also hoping no one hits my car, as I've heard of this occurrence 4 times since I started. This job won't be so bad while I look for something else, but the woman who left clearly had never trained someone, so hopefully I don't screw things up because I don't know what's going on. She was very nice and pleasant but seemed more fixated on tying up her loose ends then showing me the ropes. Close to home and getting out at 4:30 ain't so bad either. Only issue I've had thus far, is that the peeps aren't what I'd call punctual. Which is fine, they can take their time, but I don't have a key so when I show at 8:30am and have to wait for 20-30 minutes to be let in, it kinda starts the day on a sour note, cause there is only so much to look at in the hallways. And the food is bad. I never knew how spoiled I got at GW and their food court style dining options. This place is the classic, set dining hours and single cafeteria style food. I got the chicken stir fry and "rice", the chicken didn't taste like chicken and the rice was some form of cous cous. I learned to take my lunch and have found that popping the trunk of my Vue and turning on the radio of my car, along with the local paper, provides a lovely picnic type feel to my lunch hour.

Considering going into photography, got the number of a place that does youth sports, so I'll them up and see what's what. I do like taking pictures and I think I'm fairly good at it, so that could be something to investigate. Plus if it paid the bills I could look for a secondary job that is also something that I enjoy: working with animals. Got an email from Camp Canine saying that they were looking for new employees, but they pay less than i got at school so that cannot be a primary job for this gal.

More to come....

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

News Travels Fast

I have been informed by mi hermano mayor that I have become a blog slacker. This is no good. I cannot let down my loyal listeners. Mea culpa.

Had a pretty chill weekend. Friday was interview mania. Had one interview at 11:30 am, muchas gracias new temp place. It was at Mt. Ida College. I have never seen a college located in such a residential location. Of course I had never really heard of the school either so I guess that is no surprise. They liked me lots there because of my history of "working in higher education". I liked them too, until I got severely lost, so lost that I had to call upon mama to go on the trusty internet and find me a way home. Still don't know how i got lost or where I was, but I did manage to make it home. Second interview was at a local wholesale club's corportate office. I was a lil taken aback by the amount of security they had on display. I had never realized that this field of work would require identification entry into every single door (perhaps even the bathroom). I could tell this job wasn't for me, when I was distracted by my first interviewer's prominent front teeth and by my third interviewer's bulbous eyes. These kinds of distractions never bode well for me. One good thing I did get to take from the experience was the comment that I interview well. This is not something I had thought of my self before, because I tend to think I get nervous under pressure. Don't get me wrong, I perform extremely well under pressure, but usually I feel my voice does this wacky quavering thing whenever my mind is working quickly. They were also slightly shady about the $$ involved. This was a temp-perm job offer and I asked about salary because they initiated a talk on benefits. i couldn't get a straight answer, just that it would not be less then I made as a temp. I should hope not! How embarassing would that be? Plus, I am fully aware that the agency makes between $5-7 off me per hour, so I would think that I would be recouping that as a full time employee, no? Needless to say I have chosen the educational job, which means I might be selling out and becoming that person that calls alumni for money. Luckily Mt. Ida isn't an expensive school so I don't plan on encountering the vehement anger that I feel towards folks from GW who felt that even while I was attending grad school there, since I was technically an alum I should be hit up for some cash. Like my $38,0000 a year for 4 years shouldn't buy me some time? Gimme a break

Saturday brought about the second to last bridal event for me. My future sister in law had her shower. It was very lovely. I'm not so much into Greek food but it was nice to catch up with my old friend Emily who has moved to NY to pursue her career in "making young girls feel badly about their bodies" aka fashion. I also felt like maybe i missed a color memo. A significant proportion of attendees seemed to be donning the pink. Not that it would've mattered much, since I don't think I own clothing in that color family. Lots of nice presents to ooh and ahh over. And later that night was the bachelorette party. A first for me as I had to miss my current sister in law's due to an airplane mishap (damn Philly for losing my luggage!!!!). It was pretty good. Most importantly my future sis in law had a great time and that's all that really matters. The limo driver was funny and cool and didn't get lost at all, which is always a good thing.

The bridesmaids made a mostly collective agreement that gold shoes should be worn for the wedding (Rolos it is Kellay), so Sunday I went to see if I could find a new pair of shoes. I had bought a pair to dye, but since I don't really wear gold I'll probably just dye to match for future use. As previously mentioned the dress is dope and will be worn again. I brought the shoes i wore to wash's wedding to see if I could dye those gold and then dye them black after. They are wicked comfortable and I've been meaning to get them dyed black for awhile. Lo and behold the master colorist was on vacation and they would not guarantee me that my shoes would be an acceptable shade of gold. Scratch idea #1, found the pair of shoes that had been runner up in my dye to match campaign, but alas they lacked my size. So in order for the store to have a perfectly legit size, I would have to pay up front. Homey don't play that! There is no way I'm paying for a pair of shoes that I don't even know will fit. What kind of scam is that? its not like i was asking for size 12, clearly 9.5 is a popular size as it has already been sold out. Uggggh, so scratch idea #2. I found a pair of gold shoes that i found acceptable for a reasonable price. So all I have to do is practice walking in them twice a week until the wedding (t minus 2 months) to make sure that I am comfortable, though methinks I shall bring a pair of flops or more comfortable shoes to change into at the reception. Maybe my practice walking can figure into my starvation diet that I am undergoing so that I can attempt to fit into my sister-in law's dress and she can have my larger size to accommodate my growing niece or nephew.

Had another attack of the idiot cart people in the Target parking lot. Maybe they have their group meetings there or something, because I get hit by dumbass rude cart people more frequently there than in any other lot. How hard is it to push the cart in the cart corral? Especially when it is a matter of feet from you? I have found that more often people in this lot go out of their way to be rude and put it next to, in front of, or behind other cars.

One last sidenote: Prison Break is back on the air!!!! WHOOP WHOOP, I love that show

The title? I get an email today from my good friend Ricky Ticky Ticky saying that he heard from Oshea that I'm coming back to the Capital. I am? I'm certainly considering it and depending on how an upcoming interview goes I may have to make that decision, but have I hired a moving truck or looked for an apartment yet? Nope, though I do have a lovely housing offer by the JKs in bawldimore, 4 weeks with no baking, 6 if I agree to bake. But what I'm trying to say is that I still do not have plans to move and I don't know where these rumors got started. Nice to know people still talk about me though. Something oddly comforting about it.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Let the Sunshine In

Hello to all my faithful readers. Firstly, I most issue an apology for my slacking behavior when it comes to my blog. Those who know me and my "issues" with electronics will not find this strange at all, but I was having some serious internet problemos. Not sure what happened, but everything seems cool beanos now. I have much to share about general societal issues so I'll be brief. ALL OF YOU RUDE SON'S OF BIOTCHES BETTER STEP OFF. I'm so very tired of running into the most annoying of traits: rudeness. For example? Well let's see. First I purchased a gift for my future sister in law's shower (the gift which I cannot divulge yet because it has not been given). All you need to know is that it required both of my hands. So I opened the door to let myself out and held the door for the woman behind me....imagine my surprise when 4 more people walked right through and then through the the next door without returning the favor. A teenage boy was about to do the same but I think he noticed the laser beams coming from my eyes that would've caused some serious bodily harm if he also did me wrong. Case #2? I made an error in gift selection for Mo and Jen (more on that wedding in a bit), so I went back to the store to exchange it. Again a two handed job. No joke, a woman actually opened the door, looked back and saw I was a half a step behind her and slammed the door in my face...not once but twice. SAY WHA? Come on ladies, where the holy heck were you going that you were unable to be delayed a few seconds. Its not like I take an hour to take a step, but sheesh. My inner filter is broken so the next person who wrongs me better watch out, cause I'll be sure to school you on some manners.

On to some better stuff. JK has taken the best blog title I've seen in awhile. Hmmm, i seem to be experiencing some picture uploading difficulties so I shall do my best with words. It was an awesome weekend for a wedding. Truly only the 3rd or 4th good one of the whole summer. You could not have asked for better. I played my part of yarmulke distribution aide very well. I've never been to a ceremony with both a Rabbi and a Priest and I had some concern on the length of the ceremony. No worries were necessary. Even with three readings and explanation of both traditions as they occurred, the ceremony was not long, was audible and was very sweet. Jen looked beautiful in her dress and Adam and the boys were very chill in their sweet suits. Reasons for wedding rocking:
1)I love Dirty Nat weddings because I get to hang with Wash's friends which are like family to me. I always love to hang with JK and Angie as well as Adam and Jen and even Skiparoo made an appearance. Seriously fun folk = serious fun time
2)Open bar for a significant portion of the night....need I say more? The barkeep was also on his game and only required one or two requests before he remembered my drink of choice and them waiting for me.
3) Let's do the HORA!!! I had some doubts that this dance would occur, and it is always fun and always a workout because you're basically just dancing/running in a circle for the entire length of the song which is pretty freakin long. Sadly, the greatest fear aboutt this dance came to pass, and the groom fell off the chair. Luckily, he has maintained some of his bball grace and was able to "glide" off the chair onto his feet. I say this was bound to happen as only Gentiles were handling the chair lifting duties, and really how many times have any of them done this before? After this slippage, the brides knuckles definitely took on a death vice like grip on her own chair to prevent a repeat performance.
4)Good eats!
5)Never a dull moment: I heard a teeny tiny rumor that the groom chose to use the ladies room and avoid the one men's room line of the evening. But he's the groom so he can pretty much do as he pleases.
6)Had an overnight camp like feeling in the good ole hotel room. Due to my aforementioned unemployment I intended to share a room with the parentals. My sis in law wasn't feeling so good so she didn't make the trip. Add one wash to the room. "Plan B" aka Skiparoo showed up to the wedding without arrangements. Wash being the stand up guy he is offered Skip a place on our floor. I woke up to see Skip streched along the foot of my bed and a big pile of blankets which I must presume was my brother.
7)Got some QT time with the bro, again my uploading woes will prevent this from doing justice, but dude is crazy. He's one of those people that just finds the good time in everything. Took an old helmet of elder wash's and had a serious Village People vibe going on. Then we did some landscaping in the front. When I can I shall post a picture of the refuse from this endeavor.

Overall I give this weekend a resounding two thumbs up, cause you can't go wrong with happy event, good peeps, good food, and good drink. Congratulations to the latest bride and groom. And a final warning to all you rude folk, the dog has been let out of the bag, so you best watch yourself.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Are butts the new boobs?

I kid you not, this is actually a topic on the Today show as I write. Are butts the new boobs? The theory is that for so long women have been letting their boobies hang out and put on display that Americans need a new body part to drool over. Apparently, once something is readily available it is no longer desirable. Which if you think about it, is a fairly accurate assessment of society. I mean as soon as you get one high tech gadget, the next generation comes out and makes you want to upgrade. I'm guilty of this. I have a pretty sweet digital camera that I got about a year ago. It's slim, takes pretty good pictures and has a large LCD screen for ease of use. But, it doesn't have anti shake tech, its 4 or 5 megapixel and the lag team between shutter depression and picture capture can be annoyingly long. So I've found a new camera that I want that fixes all these issues for a reasonable price. But its only reasonable if you forget the fact that my camera is less than a year old and that I'd need to purchase a new form of memory card for it. Sigh! Anywho, back to butts. I'll also admit that i'm "bootylicious" something i hated while growing up in the dirty nat. All these damn skinny gals with no backsides, made me stick out like a sore thumb. And back then, only Sir-Mix-a-Lot was talking about the positives of the junk in the trunk. But then I went to college in DC and I realized that my ass was an asset. In DC, people don't point and laugh because you can't hide behind a telephone pole. In fact, I have several male friends, who while they are are supportive of my endeavors in becoming "less oval shaped" have said that the junk should never go away. Ahhhh, those were the good ole days.....

Went to the post office yesterday to send a gift to Blair to celebrate her 24th birthday. As per usual, their was a hefty line and only 2 postal workers. A woman came up behind me and continued to sigh heavily for the entire time i was there. Now, waiting in line is annoying enough...I get it, people don't like to wait whatever but seriously? I mean seriously, why the hell would make the whole thing even more irritating but sighing and as a result blowing your stinky ass breath onto the person in front of you? Come on now! The only thing I can think of is that she was trying to sigh me right out of line. Foolish woman! I'm the youngest with two older brothers, lived with three girls and one bathroom in college, and taught 75 underclassmen in a statistics lab, my tolerance for annoyance is quite high! Plus, I'd be more inclined to bap her in the nose (a la the dog whisperer) than get out of line.

Also reading a new book. SDACP was a good read, and I'd recommened to my Cali bro and sis in law, but i think it takes a certain kind of person to appreciate it. The more cerebrally based people should probably steer clear, but those with an artsy bent and can appreciate pop culture will find it fun to read. my new book is the Color of Water. I'm about half way through, which is great cause i gotta bring it back by the end of the week. Its a non fiction book with the subtitle: "A Black Man's tribute to his White mother". This is more deep than the first book but so fascinating to read. The mom is white, was raised as an Orthodox Jew by her Rabbi father in the 30'sish. She gets involved with a local Black boy, pregnant, flees home and converts to Christianity and goes on to have 13 more kids. It's definitely the most interesting real story I've read in a long time. (fyi, the title refers to how she tries to impart on her kids that color is not an issue and that God is the color of water not White or Black)

Speaking of Jews, Mel Gibson needs to go back to Austrailia and live on a farm if he can't keep his bigoted mouth shut. Yeah he was drunk, but give me a break. I've never known a drunk to let loose a diatribe that they didn't mean. usually alochol makes people feel more free to say what it is they want because they lack inhibition. So I say Mel take your crappy ass movies (when was the last good Mel Gibson movie anyway?) and return to the Outback.