All I have to say is what the f? I'm so tired of rain, not only for the dampering of the spirits and the inability to enjoy the outdoors but also cause it makes the ole knee swell up making clothing myself a difficult prospect. One can only wear sweats for so many days before people start thinking, "My she's really let herself go hasn't she? What a shame". Skirts are an option but I prefer covered legs during rain. Who knows why, its a personal preference. Checked on a job status that biggest bro is helping me with and I have tentatively passed the initial qualification! Course, I'm pretty sure that just means I filled out the app correctly online, but hey its something.
Now for a weekend recap. Nothing too exciting I must admit because financials are still not in a happy place. Friday rented some movies. Saturday, went to the mall with my mom again. We are a renowned tag team. People actually ask where the other is if we're not together.....that is a tad on the sad side but I digress. The Asian Hair Cart ladies were excited to see us again because we pretty much keep them in business, but their stuff is so good how could we refuse? Saturday night went to Wildwood with the folks and the Karps. Never been there before, despite what my family says I was left out of the engagement celebratory dinner. Quite tasty steak and conversation. However, I was unable to get a drink because i left my ID at home. Waitress with oddly pitches sing song voice rejected me despite the fact that my parents were there because I didn't have a pesky card. BUMMER.

Sunday? Well Sunday brought about the start of Wedding Bonanza which meant it was my second official bridal shower, well third if you count one from college. But that one was actually held in the study room of a dorm so I don't. The picture to the left? Was it some wacky shower game to torture the future hubby? Stay tuned. I was immediately caught off guard when leaving my house because my mom got in the passenger side of her own car. Wha? Apparently I was voted to drive to Saugus. Made it there with mom and mama Karp in time for the shower. It was pretty cool. No cheesey shower games which was A-OK by me. Did feel a little badly for Mo though cause he was the only dude there. But he's a cool dude so he can hang. Course he was put to work...hence the picture to the left. That apartment got pretty toasty with the oven, the humidity and the rain preventing window openage. Former bball player Mo, got to rediscover his skill by balancing on a chair on an ottoman to turn on the fan. Lots of work, but definitely made a difference. The only weird thing about the shower is that I swear I could smell a certain wacky tobaccy odor seeping in from somewhere during the gift opening.
To finish up the night I gave Sammy his three pill nightly cocktail which he took with no problem so I felt co

mpelled to give him his cheese. Having completed my duties, I set up getting ready for bed. I hadn't even gotten to floss my teeth before I hear an awful sound...the sound of retching. Sure enough I exist the bathroom and there is Sammy looking guilty and dangerously close to the couch and sure enough when I round the chair I see a lovely pile of vomit highlighted by undigested cheese. Oh trusty rubber gloves!!! Cleaned up the mess and went to bed. Took sammy with me to drop off the movie today and don't get fair before he gets an odd look of ecstasy on his face. Definitely means trouble. Just a matter of seconds before the odor-rific scent of doody fills the car. Too far to make it worthwhile to turn around but by the time I get back, he has also sat in it. Luckily he didn't play like he wouldn't get out of the car. Had to wipe him off and then fix the car with a lovely combo of rubber gloves, febreeze, resolve, and windex. Why windex? Oh somehow he managed to get it on the door too. Sometimes I really do feel like a glorified pooper scooper.
T-minus 4 days til boozin in the hotel time. Bought my gift today so hopefully it'll arrive before the big day.
you realize your life consists of shopping with mom and cleaning up dog puke. This is not good.
question- would "mo" be adam ..i didn't even know they were having a wedding shower. my invite must have been "lost in the mail". :)
you think i don't know this? mo would be adam and i'm pretty sure only local folks were you're a dude you don't get to go to bridal showers. sorry brotha
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