Monday, June 12, 2006

The Capital Life

So I have finally done it...I have begun the job search back in the DC area. Don't get me wrong, I did enjoy DC for the 6 years I was there. I mean I lost weight because of the walking necessary in the city and it was nice weather with the exception of three months in the summertime when it is hot as Hades and definitely not TW-Fro hair compatible. Truthfully, the one time I did stay into the summer months I frequently looked as though I had stuck my finger in an electrical socket as part of getting ready for the day operations. And while electrical shocks are cool to some folks, that's just not how i roll.

If you think about DC is probably a cool place for me to be. I still have a bunch of friends in the area from the GW days. My pseudo big brother jk and his soon to be wife angie are minutes away in bmore as well as nay nay's finest in kelmic, throw in the fact that ms. kimmy will be moving down shortly and the fact that biggest bro has a tendency to frequent the city on "business" and you've got all the makings of a perfect locale. Close enough that i can visit home whenever i so choose, yet far enough away that I can feel as though i'm living on my own. Cause that's what MA is coming down to, in addition to the employment issues, i'm starting to wonder if its possible for me to be truly independent being in such close proximity to the parentals. I felt like an adult in DC on my own, with my own apartment and my own bills but in MA I seem to be more dependent and "youngest" mentality. Don't like it, don't really know how to get out of it. I know its doable cause i got plenty of friends who stayed in MA and are on their own, but I'm not sure that they come from as close-knit of a family as mine. Surely, people that know me and the jw would not on the surface believe we are close because we have a tendency to push each other's buttons. But you can only really be annoyed by those you love, right? Otherwise you wouldn't care what the other person did.

Of course, while I'm applying to jobs in DC, I've also come up with a brilliant plan to hire on with a doggy day care place, cause that could be a fun interim position, what's better than playing with puppies all day? That or a postal position, but i fear for my own sanity and safety in the postal world.

Thirteen days til the beginning of the Summer of Wedding Festivities begins, and the 49 cent dress is back from the tailor's and ready to be worn...


JJ ZIGGLES said...

back to DC ey? that'd be cool, probably more fun than "the dirty Nat"

TDawg said...

well, its a thought. we shall see, the dirty nat ain't so bad, its a peaceful land

Jon said...

I know what you mean about JW. He annoys the hell out of me too...