First, i wanted to post a picture of the original furry ninja for your viewing pleasure.
Well, like i've mentioned I'm the youngest of three, both older siblings are guys. Wash's two bf's are like brothers to me and a lot of my friends growing up were of the male persuasion. Because of this, I tend to not consider myself very girlie. Especially growing up, I would've classified myself as a tomboy. You can ask my mom cause she was none too pleased about it. I mean obviously they wanted a girl or they wouldn't have stopped having kids until they got me :) but i wasn't exactly the girl that my mom had hoped for. She forced me to take dance classes. I hated them, I would've rathered been enrolled in a sport. Hated shopping until I was in college. Didn't touch makeup til highschool.... you get the point. Big sports fanatic. know a lot about them and enjoy playing them. Even played some flag football in college/grad school until my team was finally able to win the Co-Rec Championship and I got the tshirt I'd so desired.
However, sometimes i find myself being a girlie girl and I don't know where its coming from. I like shopping (well for the most part) and I am unwilling to camp cause i can't handle bugs. though if asked, I may just respond that due to my surgical knee repair I prefer to lay upon cushioned surfaces so as to not reaggravate the problem and require a third surgery before i even turn 30. Alas, I tried to be helpful last weekend and do some lawn care. AWash refers to this as "man's work" a term that I find a bit on the obnoxious side. But he might be on to something. I managed to trim two of our hedges without a problem, but somehow during the third hedge trimming, I was able to get the power cord around the vibrating blade and cut almost clean through it. While the extension cord didn't not survive this impromtu surgery, I came through with flying colors and not an ounce of electrical shock. But maybe there's something to my brother's mantra about power tools not being for girls.
It's nice seeing Sampson chew on a toy for once... and not the severed arm of a small child.
its funny that you are such a tomboy while alex turned out to be such a fairy. . . the genes must have gotten mixed up (mom and her LSD)
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