Monday, July 24, 2006
508 vs 202 Round 1
Pro-parentals are here, Samson is here and might not last long if I leave, I like the weather, technically I guess you can throw in my brother, though truthfully I see him as much here as I did when I lived in DC so he kinda cancels himself out, no sales tax on necessities, free rent for the time being
Cons-the "friends" i thought I had up here seemed to have disappeared (perhaps into a fair weather friend netherland), my field is not predominant up here, public transportation leaves something to be desired, starting to feel like a moocher
Pros- Field is up and coming and DC is where its at, plenty of people at GW that would be willing to give me a job while I continued the search, the friends I left in DC are for the most part still there (and still talk to me), Kellay is down there (at least for the time being), Jon/Angie are in bmore, Metro system rocks, three airports to choose from, NO Big Dig to worry about, GW work contacts are in the area, tons of cultural and educational things to do (i.e no boredom possible)
Cons- No blood family down there, high cost of living, no puppy, no sports teams worth caring about (ravens pssh, they aren't really from bmore, nationals blech no history, redskins? puh lease give me a break), requires the purchase of a plane ticket for October festivities (though i suppose i could make the drive), summer weather blows big chunks
Did I forget anything?
As you wish
I was gonna write about grudges and apologies and other assorted annoying things but I think it all comes back to Karma, which i've written about previously and this blog isn't old enough for me to be repeating myself so soon. Here's the gist: if someone does you wrong its not a grudge to remember it if said person doesn't apologize for their behavior. However, if you keep being mad after an apology has been issued then you are holding a grudge and tempting fate. And let's be don't want to be tempting the wheel of fate. I remember writing something about the wheel of fate in high school and how it was bad mojo to try its patience. Two quick examples, one tragic and one kinda eerie. First for the tragic one: now let's discuss the horrific tragedy of the multiple ton piece of ceiling concrete tile falling and killing a passenger in a car on the Pike tunnel. As AWash pointed out, this woman must have had some kind of bad mojo to have the ceiling tile fall directly on her, her fellow passenger escaping with minor cuts. That tile fell squarely on her section of the car, kinda freaky no? Second example? Massachusetts has been having some bad (torrential rain) weather all summer. I couldn't help but notice a news story the other day about a freak lightning storm in Worcester. This resulted in a direct strike on a church....ON A CHURCH. I mean talk about your bad karma when you get struck down with lightning in a place of worship.
No real weekend roundup to speak of. First the weather blew, then I am beginning to suffer from my unemployment meaning even less to do. I'm currently debating going back to being blonde but i may need to wait for employment so that I could maintain it. My temp agency seems to excel in leading me astray. First they had an assignment for me, then nothing then another one that I was supposed to start this week, but since the corporate office is in CA, nothing has been confirmed. Add to that the fact that my recruiter has once again been led astray in what the company actually does and you can see why I anxiously await full time employ with someone. SUpposedly this next assignment would involve dealing with expert witnesses. This would be cool and relatively close in scope to what I studied, or at the very least something I studied. Alas, a quick examination at the website and you would learn this company is all about helping companies find solutions to their technical woes. I guess we'll see. I did get an email from the Urban Institute in DC about my application. They picked someone else, but I thought it was classy that they let me know...they are one of the few who have shown that courtesy.
No more rhyming and I mean it
Anybody want a peanut?
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
My Bad
Second, the whole reason I titled my post "Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs" yesterday was because I intended to inform the public as to my latest reading endeavor but then i got so caught up recounting vomit boy that I forgot my purpose. Anywho, if you find yourself with some free time and you're looking for a book to occupy it, I highly suggest Chuck Klosterman's book with the aforementioned title. I'm about half way through it and find it highly enjoyable. Quite possibly the only book in existence that purports to discuss the social importance of such varied topics as Soccer (the one chapter my bro and sis-in-law should skip over), The Sims, Rock Stars, and Saved By the Bell. An early chapter refers to the Mick Jagger effect which I found utterly fascinating. I don't want to ruin this book, because i'm feeling that it should be read by all, but consider this. Mick Jagger is, one could argue, a sexual rock god. I don't see it myself but whatever, there are sufficient offspring to support this notion. But does he have this effect because of his looks? For example, would women still swoon and send panties if his profession was....let's say a pizza delivery man? methinks not. In fact, most rock stars have a following because of their profession. Picture any of them in a "normal" job and they lose their appeal, cause let's face it....they ain't usually pretty. BUT, they do have this charisma that draws people to them on stage and that is what is called the Mick Jagger effect.
Shoot, you know what? I think i'm confusing too books. Klosterman's is great and just wrote about how you can compare all divisions in the country (be them religious, racial, or anything else) to whether you were a fan of the Lakers or Celtics during the eighties. That Mick Jagger effect was something I read in a Chick Lit book right before I began my exploration into Pop Culture Philosophy.
Today is Wednesday, meaning its time to hit up the Washington Post's Help Wanted Section. T-Dawg Out!
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs
Weekend roundup (don't read while eating):
Friday: I get a call from mama saying that she is planning on leaving work at 1 and I could meet up with her if I so desired at the mall. I agreed to meet her after errands and then received a call from Mama Karp inviting me to her pool since it was so ghastly out. As I have mentioned before, the Karps are like family to me, so I find it as normal to hang with Mrs. Karp as I do with my own mom. Apparently people outside the circle don't see it that way. Upon my arrival the other guests seem to find it odd that i have come sans parentals. WHatever, haters will always find something to hate on I guess. Anywho, after meeting up with mom and hitting the mall we go to eat at Ruby Tuesdays. NOw this isn't the best or fanciest establishment but it is the one place where Papa W actually eats salad!!! So we go there somewhat frequently to encourage this eating habit. Sadly our meal was interupted by a fellow patron who took ill and couldn't manage to make it to the restroom prior to displaying his meal on the floor for all to see. GROSS. Worse? Our table that evening happened to be located right by the bathroom so we got the full view. Even worse? I kept this opinion to myself, but my brief glimpse of the regurgitated meal had an eerie resemblance to my dad's plate when he comes back from the salad bar.
Saturday: ANother ghastly day, another invite to the pool. My parents went to go hang on a boat, but I don't do so good on boats normally and this one wasn't leaving the harbor so I vetoed that idea. This time, lil Jared was there. I like lil Jared, but he's always been real quiet around me. I've never been offended by this, but did have the feeling he didn't dig Jude's Auntie. That changed on Sat when he warmed up to his new pool buddy. We played an odd game with his rules that he somehow kept losing. Then he discovered how fun it is to use people as a jungle gym in the pool. Good times, like hanging with the little folk, but it does make me miss my nephew, esp since I usually only get to see him in the winter.
Sunday: Went to go get my new bag. I don't usually dig shopping or purses or shoes. But I fell for a new Kenneth Cole bag. First time in my life I can recall having this reaction to a material object that wasn't electronic or a sneaker. I even walked around the store with it, because I didn't have the available cash to be tossing out for a bag when I have a perfectly functioning one. My parents were so shocked by my reaction that they actually fronted the cash for me to go purchase it. Thanks Daddy!!! Went back to the pool and enjoyed some QT time with the folks. I may have also picked up a wedding present for an upcoming event.
Been keeping busy by applying to jobs. Mondays and Tuesdays I focus on staying in state, while Wednesdays and Thursdays I spend looking back in the District. Made a new high total for resumes sent out of 12 last week. I usually aim for 5-7/week but i was inspired by my former student's employment with a company I was interested in, and subsequently applied to every RA position they had available....including one in Palo Alto, CA.
That's it for now, more errands and vet appts to keep today. And an attempt not to melt into the pavement. Yesterday I felt like I was burning in the short span between car and store. Can't imagine what today will feel like, but it seems that they old shorts will be busted out for a limited time appearance.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Of course I knew this was too good to be true. I returned home during a lull in the storm and tried to take sammy out so he could provide his own watering services. Not five steps from the door did I hear "WHOOSH" and cue downpour once again. I had a rain coat and umbrella but sammy didn't fare so well. Hasn't been that wet since his last bath, but he does enjoy the drying off game so it wasn't so bad. Later in the day I received some irritating news. I perused my facebook account. What's facebook? If you don't know, you haven't been in the education realm the last three years and don't need to know. I looked at one of my former student's profiles cause it was updated (she's one of my facebook friends) and noticed that she is working at a company that I applied to and never heard back from. Say wha?!?!?! This is a research company, I taught her research methods. Ergo, I gave her the tools to secure the job and I can't have one too? Incensed, I applied to all research assistant positions available because if they hired her, they should hire me too. Now that i think about it, I may have accidentally applied to a job in Palo Alto, CA....cross that bridge later.
Last thing to note. I had a successful manual labor experience. I bought a three shelf unit with a door from Bed, Bath, and Beyond. i've built several of this furniture type and each and everytime I have managed to put one piece on backward so that the grainy wood side is exposed. You could almost call it my trademark. Anywho, busted out the trusty tool bag that is filled with all kinds of tool goodness and proceeded to put together the entire unit with samson's guidance. Even better? It was done correctly!!!!! I think I may be redeeming myself in this realm.
And for my brother. JW, when it is said that three words in the english language and three alone that begin with dw, you cannot name two derivatives of the same word. Tsk tsk tsk, i expected more out of a lawyer.
Monday, July 10, 2006
Things that make you go hmmmmm.
1)Karma really exists: I do enjoy Jason Lee in My Name is Earl and I thought the premise was amusing...trying to right karma. But when you think about it, Karma does seem to exist. You can call it "what goes around comes around" or "you reap what you sew" but no matter what you call it something seems to cosmically keep the balance of the world in check. Here are two examples. One, (and I gotta right about the Samson) the pooch has this annoying habit lately of pretending to be unable to get out of the car so that he can get an extended ride. Friday, I took him with me to measure my current walking route and got home and he pulled his schtick again. Only this time his obstinance backfired. He lay down in a way that had his weight shifted towards the front of the car. In my mind, i knew it was only a matter of time before he fell, but what could I do? Sure enough Karma kicked his arse and he became wedged between the front and back seats. Again, what could I do? The best solution I could come up with was to shove my seat all the way forward to give him enough room to try to flip over and out of the car. Luckily he is more agile than a turtle flipped on its back and made it out okay.
2) i was explaining to mom about my pet peeves involving shopping carts and the inability to use the cart corral. Mostly cause we were at Target and that parking lot is the most frequent offender. Sure enough when we exited the Christmas Tree Shop there was a shopping cart parked directly behind my craptastic car. Say wha!!!! Now, why is this is ironic or karmic or any of that jazz? Because I parked, quite possibly the furthest I could from any visible car. There was no one around me and I still got carted!
3) The reason that I prefer Tarjay: I went to Walmart to burn a cd of my Karp Wedding pics and pick up a new album. I take lots of pics and I am now on my 14th or 15th 300 picture album. I had forgotten that Tarjay had a picture area so i went to walmart. There were three people in front of me at the picture kiosk. no worries, I went to go find my album and got the last one there was! Sweet I thought. But i got back to line and the two elder women were having some issues. Issues that involved breaking the damn machine, meaning it had to get rebooted and then they had to start over. Eventually they figured it out. Then the guy in front of me went (he'd been waiting an hour) and his camera card wasn't working. Cue rolling eyes. Luckily he had a cd to work with too. Then he, cause he was wicked nice, asked if i was just making a cd, when this was confirmed he let me cut in front of him while he tried to coax his card into working. Finished the cd. Had to flag down someone for envelope for the cd. Got into line at the front of the store. uh oh! Apparently Wal-Mart has some issues with price they can't ring up bar codes if the sticker isn't on the product. So Mr. "Something isn't quite right" cashier went to the floor register manager who came up with the notion that it was my responbility to get the price sticker. Customer service? what customer service? The cashier said he could ring up my album and I increduously asked why they couldn't find out the price. No answer. At this point, I'm realizing I could have easily walked out with the cd with no problem but that damn honesty thing I got going always ruins me. As I grab my stuff out of his arms to go back to the film center and I mutter something about, "this being the reason people go to Target instead"
4) The newly discovered scam: Bridal stores. Anyone ever notice that bridal stores have some kind of bizzaro measurement method to their dresses? And that they are always constructed in a way that means you have to go two sizes up because you can never let them out? For my brother's upcoming wedding I will be wearing a beautiful brown dress and I loved it on the hanger. that is until I had to go to this boutique to get measured and had one of the worst experiences with clothing in my life. Now I would define myself as pleasantly plump and certainly won't be winning any beauty pageants but this woman made me feel like I was some hideous monster and resulted in my fleeing the premises crying. My second visit was slightly better but needless to say this place has scarred me. flash forward three months and I go to pick up my sister in law's dress for the wedding. They made her get a dress that was at least 3 sizes larger than she typically wears! I was shocked! Course, it also made me feel slightly better about my experience cause at least it wasn't just me. Course, it also works out well cause now she has room for the new bambino to grow and still fit in the dress. But my point is this...these boutiques scam you into thinking you need a larger size and then conveniently have a connection with a seamstress who'll fix the dress (and probably donate a cut back to the boutique). But like I said, it is a beautiful dress and I look forward to wearing it, even if it means I must succomb to this scam.
5) I end this posting with two quiz questions and an opinion question. First, what is the only fruit that has all of its seeds on the outside? Second, there are three words and three words only in the English language that begin with the letters 'dw', name them. If you think someone has a problem with you, what do you do? Do you wait it out and hope it goes away, risking the issue festering into something bigger, or do you confront the situation immediately risking making life awkward?
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Clowns to the left, jokers to the right
1) I must concur with Wash that the open bar was a stroke of genius. Contrary to Mr. Karp the elder's belief, I do in fact enjoy beverages from time to time. As I had my ID on me, there was no fear of rejection from the barkeeps. Lovely wine and alcohol selections though I have discovered that gin and tonic is not my drink.
2)Beautiful location/weather. After living through a variety of monsoons the last few weeks and getting negative weather reports from Kellay in Towson, I was fearful for what we would face. However, I was able to straighten my hair and keep it straight! Meaning? no humidity, comfortable temperature and slight breeze to keep all comfortable during the short ceremony.
3)When I was applying to colleges there was this part where you had to submit an essay. Since I applied to GW, they had cheesey topics about what monument you would build or which president you'd want to meet, blah blah blah, or you could send an original essay as part of a general app. I chose to write mine on FAMILY and what it means to me. This wedding reaffirmed it because I don't think blood determines family. I have plenty of blood relatives that couldn't pick me out of a line up let alone know my birthday, my age or what i'm doing with my life. However, I think of the Karps and Movitzs as being my family. They are the ones I see at holidays, they are the ones that can recall what they were doing when I was born. They are the ones that have come to graduations, athletic events and life events. They even know how old I am (good call Mo). So my point is that this wedding was special because it gave me more time to spend with my family, which doesn't happen as much anymore.
1)that bus driver. Damn was she a piece of work. She didn't really know where she was going and I feared for my life when i saw her mapquest directions fly off the console. My nephew was very disturbed at the lack of seatbelts. All this and she was a bit rude when people requested some desperately needed AC.
2)the "limo" to and from the airport. FIrst the guy gets lost picking up the last person, by the time we get to this house the person cancels (literally as we pull in the driveway). We leave about 20-25 minutes later than intended. Coming back? We had to call for a pick up after being delayed. This involved an additional 20-25 minute wait further compounded by a required stop to transfer someone off the van. Lastly, the van driver seemed to think that we were leading him down a dead end and wasn't interested in listening to directions.
As you can see the lowlights really had nothing to do with the wedding itself which is why I consider it tops.
It ain't easy being me. There are three kids in the fambino which is an awkward number. Can't really pair off cause someone gets left out. Since I'm the only girl, I tend to be the one on the outside. Both of them have found wives which would seem to even the odds in my favor. But they also seem to get along better with each other than with me. Not a huge deal, but needless to say that three is not my favorite number. Sometimes the only way to remain relevant is to be peacekeeper so that is my place in the family. And this conludes my Debbie Downer segment
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
May I introduce Mr. and Mrs. Karp

So first off, a Happy 4th of July to all. This is the first year I won't be seeing fireworks which makes me sad, but the expansion of the local mall has removed the only feasible location for Dirty Nat fireworks and as I live here and not the District anymore, that means no public displays of fireyworks for this girl. Sad. Secondly, let's all have a "Hallelujah" moment to celebrate Sammy's rescue from Fat Camp. This time he was given a cheeseburger in order to encourage him to take his pills, haven't checked over the bill myself, but I hope this cheeseburger isn't like one of those $500 government toilet seat covers. Also, I am happy to report that his vet agrees with my assessment that his stomach infection has finally cleared up. While most of you don't care, I'd like to point out that this problem develped in November at Thanksgiving and it is the 4th of JULY. That's one heck of an infection.
Now onto a weekend recap which will actually have exciting things.
Friday: Dropped samson off at the vet and completely overpacked for a weekend trip down to bmore to see my good friend angie and jon get married. The funny thing about this wedding, is I've actually known Angie for longer than anyone else involved with any of my "brothers". She came with Jon for my high school graduation party and I knew then that she was a fabulous lady. Flew down with the parentals, brother and fiancee. Ate dinner in the hotel and proceeded to earn the ire of the housekeeping staff by rearranging the lobby to accomodate the Karp guests that trickled in as the night went on and the drinks came out of the bar.
Saturday: Woke up wicked early, ate some brunch and put on the swimsuit. Kellay came down from Towson and hung at the pool where I proved that I am in fact a natural dark beauty with occasional red streaky zones. Very chill day. Then it came time to get ready to boogie. Got all gussied up and went downstairs and left for the wedding. I must agree with JK that Angie looked absolutely beautiful in both of her dresses. And while I couldn't hear the officiant, it felt like a beautiful ceremony. Sat at my table with alex, stacey, jude, jamaican peter and three Karp cousins. One of whom apparently did not feel comfortable there and despite my attempts at small talk abruptly left the table to sit with his mom. Lots of pictures were tken because I don't usually get to see all of these people more than two-three days a year at thanksgiving. I've realized that I am sick of being the one to take the pictures cause then I'm never in any which is a bummer. Apparently the point and shoot camera I have is beyond comprehension. I tried to get in a pic with Wash but my dad couldn't see the buttons so I asked Skip. Skip who scored over 1500 on the SAT and is pretty darned smart tried and tried but could not take a picture and tried to say the camera was broken. Above is the picture taken when Wash proved that it was fully functional. Then during the group father-daughter dance, family friend was kind enough to pics of my brothers and mom as well as Adam and his mom which came out nice, but his attempt to capture me and Dr. Mikey ended up with a prominent view of his thumb instead of us. After the wedding, I provided an assist to get my nephew up to bed and received a call to go the bar to join my parents and their friends. I obliged and joined for a drink. Then the new Mr. and Mrs. Karp arrived and I had to stay for some more drinks. We closed the bar, it seems the party was to continue in the best man's room but i chose to retire. As I got off at my floor and bid the party people adieu I was given some of the loudest booing I have ever heard. Very flattering that these people wanted some more of my time. My parents actually asked what that loud noise was when i came in the room (they had obviously stayed awake for my arrival). I give this wedding a full four star rating.
Sunday: Received the news that my eldest brother sold me out and chose not to call me up to a room while my sister in law took an important test. Am I peeved? You betcha. At brunch I found out that the speculation had been right and that I'm gonna be an auntie again!!!! Congrats to Wash and Yan Yan.
That's it for now, gotta organize the pics while i come up with more highlights.