So first off, a Happy 4th of July to all. This is the first year I won't be seeing fireworks which makes me sad, but the expansion of the local mall has removed the only feasible location for Dirty Nat fireworks and as I live here and not the District anymore, that means no public displays of fireyworks for this girl. Sad. Secondly, let's all have a "Hallelujah" moment to celebrate Sammy's rescue from Fat Camp. This time he was given a cheeseburger in order to encourage him to take his pills, haven't checked over the bill myself, but I hope this cheeseburger isn't like one of those $500 government toilet seat covers. Also, I am happy to report that his vet agrees with my assessment that his stomach infection has finally cleared up. While most of you don't care, I'd like to point out that this problem develped in November at Thanksgiving and it is the 4th of JULY. That's one heck of an infection.
Now onto a weekend recap which will actually have exciting things.
Friday: Dropped samson off at the vet and completely overpacked for a weekend trip down to bmore to see my good friend angie and jon get married. The funny thing about this wedding, is I've actually known Angie for longer than anyone else involved with any of my "brothers". She came with Jon for my high school graduation party and I knew then that she was a fabulous lady. Flew down with the parentals, brother and fiancee. Ate dinner in the hotel and proceeded to earn the ire of the housekeeping staff by rearranging the lobby to accomodate the Karp guests that trickled in as the night went on and the drinks came out of the bar.
Saturday: Woke up wicked early, ate some brunch and put on the swimsuit. Kellay came down from Towson and hung at the pool where I proved that I am in fact a natural dark beauty with occasional red streaky zones. Very chill day. Then it came time to get ready to boogie. Got all gussied up and went downstairs and left for the wedding. I must agree with JK that Angie looked absolutely beautiful in both of her dresses. And while I couldn't hear the officiant, it felt like a beautiful ceremony. Sat at my table with alex, stacey, jude, jamaican peter and three Karp cousins. One of whom apparently did not feel comfortable there and despite my attempts at small talk abruptly left the table to sit with his mom. Lots of pictures were tken because I don't usually get to see all of these people more than two-three days a year at thanksgiving. I've realized that I am sick of being the one to take the pictures cause then I'm never in any which is a bummer. Apparently the point and shoot camera I have is beyond comprehension. I tried to get in a pic with Wash but my dad couldn't see the buttons so I asked Skip. Skip who scored over 1500 on the SAT and is pretty darned smart tried and tried but could not take a picture and tried to say the camera was broken. Above is the picture taken when Wash proved that it was fully functional. Then during the group father-daughter dance, family friend was kind enough to pics of my brothers and mom as well as Adam and his mom which came out nice, but his attempt to capture me and Dr. Mikey ended up with a prominent view of his thumb instead of us. After the wedding, I provided an assist to get my nephew up to bed and received a call to go the bar to join my parents and their friends. I obliged and joined for a drink. Then the new Mr. and Mrs. Karp arrived and I had to stay for some more drinks. We closed the bar, it seems the party was to continue in the best man's room but i chose to retire. As I got off at my floor and bid the party people adieu I was given some of the loudest booing I have ever heard. Very flattering that these people wanted some more of my time. My parents actually asked what that loud noise was when i came in the room (they had obviously stayed awake for my arrival). I give this wedding a full four star rating.
Sunday: Received the news that my eldest brother sold me out and chose not to call me up to a room while my sister in law took an important test. Am I peeved? You betcha. At brunch I found out that the speculation had been right and that I'm gonna be an auntie again!!!! Congrats to Wash and Yan Yan.
That's it for now, gotta organize the pics while i come up with more highlights.
nice recap. .. we would have taken more pics but we ran out of "film" on the first day.. . .we need a digital. . .
Wow...who's that hottie on the right?
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