Monday, July 24, 2006

As you wish

As anyone who knows me can say, I am a bit of a sci-fi/superhero geek. Most would assume that Star Wars ranks as my all time favorite movie....and while it definitely exists in my top 10 (there are 6 to choose from after all), I'd have to say my all time favorite movie is The Princess Bride. So much cheese, so many guest stars, so many rhymes. HOW CAN YOU NOT LOVE THIS MOVIE? I'm currently involved in a quoting battle with my GW friend Kiki via facebook. Having watched this movie again this weekend I have to add another name to my list o names for when I eventually get my own pets. Add Fezak to Bauer, Bristow, and Chewie. I also watched Eight Below so I have a current urge to have enough dogs that I could have my own sled team. I'm not that sappy of a gal, but animal movies always bring a tear to my eye, especially when not all of the stars make it through to the end. Definitely got choked up during that movie, but it was worth it.

I was gonna write about grudges and apologies and other assorted annoying things but I think it all comes back to Karma, which i've written about previously and this blog isn't old enough for me to be repeating myself so soon. Here's the gist: if someone does you wrong its not a grudge to remember it if said person doesn't apologize for their behavior. However, if you keep being mad after an apology has been issued then you are holding a grudge and tempting fate. And let's be don't want to be tempting the wheel of fate. I remember writing something about the wheel of fate in high school and how it was bad mojo to try its patience. Two quick examples, one tragic and one kinda eerie. First for the tragic one: now let's discuss the horrific tragedy of the multiple ton piece of ceiling concrete tile falling and killing a passenger in a car on the Pike tunnel. As AWash pointed out, this woman must have had some kind of bad mojo to have the ceiling tile fall directly on her, her fellow passenger escaping with minor cuts. That tile fell squarely on her section of the car, kinda freaky no? Second example? Massachusetts has been having some bad (torrential rain) weather all summer. I couldn't help but notice a news story the other day about a freak lightning storm in Worcester. This resulted in a direct strike on a church....ON A CHURCH. I mean talk about your bad karma when you get struck down with lightning in a place of worship.

No real weekend roundup to speak of. First the weather blew, then I am beginning to suffer from my unemployment meaning even less to do. I'm currently debating going back to being blonde but i may need to wait for employment so that I could maintain it. My temp agency seems to excel in leading me astray. First they had an assignment for me, then nothing then another one that I was supposed to start this week, but since the corporate office is in CA, nothing has been confirmed. Add to that the fact that my recruiter has once again been led astray in what the company actually does and you can see why I anxiously await full time employ with someone. SUpposedly this next assignment would involve dealing with expert witnesses. This would be cool and relatively close in scope to what I studied, or at the very least something I studied. Alas, a quick examination at the website and you would learn this company is all about helping companies find solutions to their technical woes. I guess we'll see. I did get an email from the Urban Institute in DC about my application. They picked someone else, but I thought it was classy that they let me know...they are one of the few who have shown that courtesy.

No more rhyming and I mean it
Anybody want a peanut?

1 comment:

JJ ZIGGLES said...

I have to disagree with Awash on the bad karma thing and the pike tunnel. ..Bad things happen to good people all the time. ..Bad people get away unscathed all the time. ..It's just a freak accident. .it could have happened to a murderer or a saint in my opinion. I'm just sayin'.