Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Let the Sunshine In

Hello to all my faithful readers. Firstly, I most issue an apology for my slacking behavior when it comes to my blog. Those who know me and my "issues" with electronics will not find this strange at all, but I was having some serious internet problemos. Not sure what happened, but everything seems cool beanos now. I have much to share about general societal issues so I'll be brief. ALL OF YOU RUDE SON'S OF BIOTCHES BETTER STEP OFF. I'm so very tired of running into the most annoying of traits: rudeness. For example? Well let's see. First I purchased a gift for my future sister in law's shower (the gift which I cannot divulge yet because it has not been given). All you need to know is that it required both of my hands. So I opened the door to let myself out and held the door for the woman behind me....imagine my surprise when 4 more people walked right through and then through the the next door without returning the favor. A teenage boy was about to do the same but I think he noticed the laser beams coming from my eyes that would've caused some serious bodily harm if he also did me wrong. Case #2? I made an error in gift selection for Mo and Jen (more on that wedding in a bit), so I went back to the store to exchange it. Again a two handed job. No joke, a woman actually opened the door, looked back and saw I was a half a step behind her and slammed the door in my face...not once but twice. SAY WHA? Come on ladies, where the holy heck were you going that you were unable to be delayed a few seconds. Its not like I take an hour to take a step, but sheesh. My inner filter is broken so the next person who wrongs me better watch out, cause I'll be sure to school you on some manners.

On to some better stuff. JK has taken the best blog title I've seen in awhile. Hmmm, i seem to be experiencing some picture uploading difficulties so I shall do my best with words. It was an awesome weekend for a wedding. Truly only the 3rd or 4th good one of the whole summer. You could not have asked for better. I played my part of yarmulke distribution aide very well. I've never been to a ceremony with both a Rabbi and a Priest and I had some concern on the length of the ceremony. No worries were necessary. Even with three readings and explanation of both traditions as they occurred, the ceremony was not long, was audible and was very sweet. Jen looked beautiful in her dress and Adam and the boys were very chill in their sweet suits. Reasons for wedding rocking:
1)I love Dirty Nat weddings because I get to hang with Wash's friends which are like family to me. I always love to hang with JK and Angie as well as Adam and Jen and even Skiparoo made an appearance. Seriously fun folk = serious fun time
2)Open bar for a significant portion of the night....need I say more? The barkeep was also on his game and only required one or two requests before he remembered my drink of choice and them waiting for me.
3) Let's do the HORA!!! I had some doubts that this dance would occur, and it is always fun and always a workout because you're basically just dancing/running in a circle for the entire length of the song which is pretty freakin long. Sadly, the greatest fear aboutt this dance came to pass, and the groom fell off the chair. Luckily, he has maintained some of his bball grace and was able to "glide" off the chair onto his feet. I say this was bound to happen as only Gentiles were handling the chair lifting duties, and really how many times have any of them done this before? After this slippage, the brides knuckles definitely took on a death vice like grip on her own chair to prevent a repeat performance.
4)Good eats!
5)Never a dull moment: I heard a teeny tiny rumor that the groom chose to use the ladies room and avoid the one men's room line of the evening. But he's the groom so he can pretty much do as he pleases.
6)Had an overnight camp like feeling in the good ole hotel room. Due to my aforementioned unemployment I intended to share a room with the parentals. My sis in law wasn't feeling so good so she didn't make the trip. Add one wash to the room. "Plan B" aka Skiparoo showed up to the wedding without arrangements. Wash being the stand up guy he is offered Skip a place on our floor. I woke up to see Skip streched along the foot of my bed and a big pile of blankets which I must presume was my brother.
7)Got some QT time with the bro, again my uploading woes will prevent this from doing justice, but dude is crazy. He's one of those people that just finds the good time in everything. Took an old helmet of elder wash's and had a serious Village People vibe going on. Then we did some landscaping in the front. When I can I shall post a picture of the refuse from this endeavor.

Overall I give this weekend a resounding two thumbs up, cause you can't go wrong with happy event, good peeps, good food, and good drink. Congratulations to the latest bride and groom. And a final warning to all you rude folk, the dog has been let out of the bag, so you best watch yourself.


Jon said...

Speaking of FANTASTIC wedding presents, Angie is finally breaking out the rotisserie oven tonight for the first time. (Apparently she thought "set it and forget it" meant "set it on the counter, and forget it's there.)

I can't wait...

Anonymous said...

is it suppose to sound like screeching metal? and why does it smell like burning rubber? i'll let you know how much i enjoy it tomorrow if i don't burn down the house.

Anonymous said...

the rotisserie leg of lamb was a great success. i did over cook it slightly which made it medium instead of med. rare. money aside this was my favorite wedding present....
i do believe my favorite engagement present was from you also. well done Taryn. thank you !!!

JJ ZIGGLES said...

hey what about the K-cups?? those things are cool!!!! Not everybody has personalized cups you know.

Jon said...

I appreciate the K cups, Wash.

Anonymous said...

Jon's favorite gifts were anything associated with drinking. mine was anything that made cooking easier.
Yanicke was telling me about the candle holder she wanted to get and you talked her out of. Jon thanks you for it.

JJ ZIGGLES said...

actually in chinatown they have this giant phallus statue i was going to get you guys. A conversation piece if nothing else. I'd watch JK around that thing too. Maybe i'll get it for MoJen.

Anonymous said...

here is a link to a few of the pics we took. my pc is really slow, so i could only get half done.

Mo said...

Taryn should be a professional photographer. Thats where you shoudl be looking. Who cares about what you went to school for