Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Do you get a degree for that?

Been awhile since I posted. Shockingly, I was actually given tasks at work for the last few days that prevented me from having the time to blog. Add that to the fact, that the trusty home laptop seems to be on the downside and that leaves little time to blog on about my thoughts. Right now I have to do this quickly because I managed to get roped into helping out with the sculpture event going on at the College today. Two of the three people in the office realize that I am intelligent and suggested that I be included despite my temp status. Pretty sweet, even somewhat intrigued by the meaning of the sculpture because it looks like an oil rig and I don't get how that conveys the "message across the ocean" theme that they got going.

Talked to GW about a job. I know they like me but I have a feeling that they won't be willing to meet my salary requirements because given the job, methinks it might be asking too much. But any less and I wouldn't really be able to live in DC, I'd be inhabiting a fancy box on the street. No good for me. Did find a potential opportunity with Lockheed Martin involving my degree, and as long as the "some travel" they mention does not include the Mideast, I'm game for it. We shall see.

Spent the weekend trying to finalize my look for the wedding. Got some ideas, we'll see how it works out. heard from my good buddy Chad who fell off the planet for about a year while he got settled in Trinidad. Got a nice invite to see the island and a reprimand for not making it to Jamaica. But I look at this way. Tons of people get to say that they went to Jamaica, but how many people do you know that have gone to Trinidad??? Exactly.

I was gonna write about the Fall, but I can't stand to be accused of biting JW's style again, so I'll have to wait until the leaves actually change colors before I write about my favorite season. The Pats won again. I feel like every year they have this brain fart for one quarter where they forget to play. And this quarter seems to shift around. Well unfortunately, it seems that the 4th quarter may be that special time this season which is going to cause heart palpitations across new england as we wait to see if they can hold on. Luckily, my boy Tedy made yet another comeback and made his presence known to Mr. pennington. on the sidenote of football, how crazy is it that a college backup kicker stabbed the started in the leg so he could get some playing time? I mean really, did he think the starter wouldn't recognize the face of his teammate as he shivved him? Yowza!

My commute everyday shouldn't be awful. I'm only crossing two towns. For the most part, it's an enjoyable ride. surely there are days that are worse than others. My main issue is the elementary school i have to drive by that for some reason requires not one, but two crossing guards who seem to think that they are traffic cops. Now the dude isn't so bad, he's pretty fair about judging the distance of walking folk so as to not hold up the traffic pattern too long. Fine, i can be cool with that. But then, within 50 feet is THE woman who drives me bonkers on a regular basis. If people are within her eye sight, she holds up traffice until they reach the sidewalk to cross. Evern worse, she has some bizarro method of directing traffic that results in her letting the side street traffic move quicker than the main road. you gotta be fair and there should be some kind of training for this kind of work. Clearly, common sense does not prevail, because on top of all of her issues, she also has this inane belief that the world is revolving around her and people don't have to go to work. I was held up for 5 minutes one day because she stopped traffic so she could chat with one of the cars on the road! Say wha!? Sometimes I wonder if maybe heckling her or throwing something at her from my car would help the situation. I can't toot my horn because I don't want to frighten the children, but this stupidity must end! My parents say throwing things isn't the way to solve the issue but they haven't been subjected to her traffic cop skills so what do they know?


JJ ZIGGLES said...

when jude's in town we'll stage a little "accident" and get her ass fired.

oh and isn't chad like you're brother in law, or 2nd cousin, or some family relationship now. I think he is. I think he's hour half-brother in law.

TDawg said...

Are you saying that family members cannot be friends? that's a sad take on life my brother