Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Hold Your Horses

All righty people, I know that y'all know I was at a very important function this weekend. However, my wrap up and commentary on said event shall have to wait a wee bit longer because I can not do this post justice without my ability to post appropriate photos to correspond. As my eldest brother, "AWash" has said on several occasions. My superhero power is the ability to disable electronic equipment. Well my ability is not under control yet and I have to bring the laptop in to the repair shop to see if it can be fixed. if not, then I shall be making quite a large purchase soon which is a bit disturbing since my temping gig at Mt. Ida ends on Friday.

To tide you over until my recap here is another sad excuse for a joke (though I like the fact that I can make the pregnant lady laugh even if it is incredibly cheesey)

Why do they call Newton the Garden City?
Because there is a Rosenblum (sound it out) on every corner.


Thursday, October 12, 2006

Puddin Pop

Now I'm no fancy shmancy lawyer or high falootin corporate honcho but I do have a job that "occupies" my time from 8:30am to 4:30pm on a weekday basis. I quote occupy because I shall describe to you my duties, which may explain my new ability to contribute more regularly to my blog.

7:05 AM - wake up, step over the furry roommate and eat my breakfast in peace as the parentals have their alarm set for the same time but do not make an appearance until between 7:20 and 7:30

7:50AM - I make a valiant attempt to leave. I have to wait until this time because the Dirty Nat has succombed to pressure and has established a billion bus stops in my neighborhood for a school that is within a mile of my abode. So all the lil neighborhood thug wannabees have shown a tendency to gather in front of my house to light fireworks (at night) and play football (before the bus). I cannot leave during this because I would be too tempted to run them over with my car because I know that their uncoordiated little bodies have probably been hitting my car.

8:30-8:40 - this is about the time I roll into work. I shoot for the 8:30 slot because that's technically when I'm supposed to be here (plus its the only time when you can get a good parking spot) but traffic is a biotch so its usually closer to the 40ish end of things. Lucky for me, punctuality is not a gift that people in my office are blessed with. One commutes from Worcester so he's either obscenely early in an attempt to beat the traffic or a tad late.

8:40-noonish - this is when I catch up on emails. Read tv recaps and blogs. Sometimes I head over to the trusty Facebook site to see what my friends are up to. Also a bit of networking going on over there. Basically, I try to look busy so people don't pity me. I hit up about 4 celebrity/entertainment related sites before venturing over to the sports and news categories. Eventually, around 10ish someone comes up with a task for me. So I make three copies of something and get back to my surfing. At 11, the trusty mail man comes so I have another 20 minutes of updating incorrect alumni addresses. If I'm lucky there are some donation checks that take a lil while to process. Today I got to put name badges together! Tres exciting!

Lunch time in the trusty caf. Whenever I go in there, it makes me think of those newsreports about how safe are we from bacteria. It just looks like festering bacteria hole. This week's food selections have been subpar and dangerous. My number one rule? If you can't identify the meat by sight you need to move along. I tried to do a turkey sandwhich cause you can't screw that up right? I was never one of those kids that ate the fake plastic food, but if I did I bet the taste would be similar to what I ate today. They put in a new ice cream station but I let myself get intimidated by football players who made a comment about "puddin' pop" as soon as they saw my booty. I'm not gonna lie, there's some jiggle to my wiggle and I've heard all kinds of references to my derriere but puddin pop made me take pause and I selected a small cookie instead. I'm hoping this is not a violation of the wedding diet.

Post lunch time - this is what I am currently in. I'm B-O-R-E-D, there are some student employees today and they keep me entertained. I looked for some jobs again and reapplied to a job I applied to last year. Mostly because there appears to be a different person in charge of hiring. the head honcho has left early again which means there is less than a 10% chance I'll be given anything to do before I leave. I did receive a check today so I can leave early so that I "have time" to drop it off before the office closes. Word! This time is usually what I reserve for my plan to win gold. AOL's pop culture Gold Rush. Me and my gold buddy Kellay got kinda screwed yesterday with technical difficulties but here's hoping we make it to the ATL this week. Probably not though since the final is on Sat, when neither have has access to a computer

What else do I do? Oh yeah, two of my pops have gotten me involved in football rackets. So as to not confuse them (one involves a spread) I have to research on different days. Today is Big Poppy day so I've been looking at collegiate and NFL games to make my picks. Yesterday I did reserach for JK senior. here's hoping for a victory cause I need some new electronics.

that's about it, I get to learn about proper wound wrapping techniques for samson at 6 because it is suture removal day. the fun never ends in the Dirty nat

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Does this not please you?

Yowza, i'm taking hits on the family front all around. First my lovely emotional sister in law dares to suggest that the frequency of my posts can be attributed to a lack of me having a life. Now I dont want to necessarily debate whether I do in fact have a life (money problems can put a damper on that). however, each and every post for the last two months has been done while I have been "working". Cause while Mt. Ida is currently paying the bills it certainly does not keep me busy for the 7-8 hours I am here daily. hence the blogs. A girl's gotta keep busy right?

Then big brother AWash gets on my case for not being funny anymore. Never knew anyone thought I was funny in the first place. Now I feel pressure to keep up my zaniness. To top it off, he pulled a low blow and said for certain that JK is the best blogger amongst the Dirty nat crew. I won't really dispute this either because the Rapist Wit he has displayed keeps me amused as well.

You want funny? Here's a joke: There are two potatoes on the side of the road. how do you tell which one is the prostitute?
The one that has Idaho stamped on its skin (sound it out people)

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Dear Mr. Jackass

Dear LP P999,

You may think that since you have one of those fancy short license plates and a black jeep that you are above the law. Well my friend, you are indeed an ass and the worst kind of ass. You are that special breed that goes above and beyond being rude and flitters into that lovely category of ass that may cause bodily harm to others with your rudeness. Who I am? Ah yes, I am the car that had the audacity to stop at the red light and to look to make sure there were no oncoming cars before proceeding with my right turn. Who are you? You are the gigantic ass who was behind me and apparently never learned the red means stop and even when you are going right on red that you must stop first because you don't have the right of way. Now maybe because you have your big badass Jeep you don't really worry about colliding with other cars because you're all fancy and off roading. However, anytime you're driving in the mall area you had best be prepared to get stuck at least 3 times on red lights. Not only did you rudely lay on the horn to alert me to your displeasure with me obeying a red light, but then you decided that you were more important than me and chose to illegally pass me on the left by getting into the oncoming traffic lane. Mr. Jackass you are lucky my mother was in the car with me. If I was alone, or even with my father, I would've kept pace with you to prevent you from cutting me off. Since my mom is "New York" in all senses except driving I allowed you to commit your rude (and illegal move) with nothing more than my horn escorting you all the way to the Pike. Too bad one of the Logan Express buses wasn't on its way back at the right moment are you could've seen what continued rudeness will get you.


Ms. I know that Red means stop

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Hoodwinked and Bamboozled

Kellay, you probably should not read this entry or at the very least try not to be offended by it. At the last minute I was asked to join the "Northeast Alliance" fantasy football league by my dear friend. Seeing as a I am a two time defending champion in my past leagues I decided to go for it. Furry Ninjas came back for another round for arse kicking. This was also my first live draft which i have already discussed. BUT, let us discuss the craziness that my friend's friend deems a good scoring system. They have all the traditional scoring categories: TDs, passing yards, receiving yards, rushing yards, sacks, interceptions, field goals, defense...yada yada yada. But what I managed to miss when i was deciding a draft order was this little detail. You get one full point for every completion, reception, and attempt at a run. WHA! This is ludicrous. I played once where you got a 1/4 point for completions and I thought that was a bit strange but I let it go because it made some sense to me to reward the accuracy of the QB. Let's forget about the fact that I had the same QB in two leagues and in the same week he was the second highest scoring in one league while at the bottom of the other. Garbage.

The reason rewarding catches and touches is stupid is because you can have a running back or receiver getting more points for negative yardage than a player who has fewer touches but all positive yardage. how is that right in any fashion? Why should a dude who gets 25 touches and 40 yards get more points than a dude who gets 3 touches, 100 yards and a td? Does that make any kind of sense at all? I think not. Now you may say that I'm a tad on the bitter side because these so called scoring rules have resulted in my team owning a 1-2 record with the fewest points in the league but gimme a break. My example shows the insanity and i stand by it. I should note that my only win came because a fellow Pats fan was extremely disloyal in her team selection. It was karma that beat her. Because the Patriot Gods would never allow a "Pats fan" who picked up Deion "cry baby" Branch and the Cincy defense beat a fellow Pats fan who made Maroney her diamond in the rough pick of the draft and even gave Gosktowski a chance while Vanderjerk was on a bye week.

Ironic moment of the day: (it is barely 11am) my boss who is notorious for his smoking habit has just asked me something smells smokey in the office. Picture my making extreme efforts to keep my face straight during this question. Must think composure!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Vader, is that you?

I followed up my atoning with an interview with a legal type research place located in the District. This was very odd for a few reasons.
1) the interview took place at a fairly random time
2) they had the man with "the voice issues" be on the one to intiate the phone call with me. End result? Me almost blowing my interview at the start by hanging up on the man who I could not understand.
3)The second person on the 4 way conference call interview was a Brittish female. her initial question was on the pronunciation of my name. Sure, that makes sense. I mean it is phoentic but I digress. She followed up her question by mocking my name. Now because she was a cooky Brit I'm not really sure what she said but i heard a mockery of my name and her giggling.
4) Who does a four person conference call for an initial interview?
5) This place is a non profit that seemingly can only exist if they receive funding. So I'm thinking a fair question is whether they have ever lost a grant and what happened. cause I'm not moving down to DC to start a job where if they can't keep up their grant raising I'll get canned in 6 months because they can't afford to keep all of the staff. Homey don't play that!

All in all, i think it went fairly well. They said they'd let me know within a few weeks whether i got the job or not. They might not like the fact that I said I couldn't start until Nov 1, but if you consider the time in finding a place to reside and throw in the familial wedding occurring in two weeks would they rather have me start earlier and make a vacation demand for time off immediately or wait an extra couple of weeks and keep me enslaved for months before i dare ask for time off?

I got involved in a football racket at my dad's office. Apparently my 75% accuracy (damn colts not beating the spread!) impressed some of the dude's at the office. And despite my sister-in-law's opinions on football (i blame the pregnancy hormones for her outrageous commentary) me likey the sport. me likey the fact that I may finally get to use my knowledge (gracias jw) and get some moola. Cause I need a new computer and this temping gig won't be paying for it any time soon, so its time to let the NFL buy me a new laptop!

17 Days and counting