First some observations. I gotta say it. I love my dog but there are limits to what it is appropriate when it comes to having him tag along. I take him on errands but he stays in the car...where he belongs. He does not walk around a grocery store with me or stroll along the mall. Imagine my shock today when I was driving by a local cemetary and saw a couple walking a dog through the graveyard! Say wha?! I mean really how rude is that? Letting your dog piss and poo on somebody's grave? DEEE-sgusting.
Now on to more pleasant things. As written on the Wash's blog a week ago, mi hermano mayor got married to a very pretty lady last week. So I shall recount for my highlights and lowlights.

First the highlights.
-having the wash and family in town is always a fun time. Seeing YaWash all pregnant was nice too because I didn't really get to hang with her when she was carrying Jude in her belly
-Cold Stone Creamery visit with JW, Yan, Jude, and papa w was DElish. I highly recommend a visit there if you have the time.....even if it is chilly
-couldn't beat the weather
-Rehearsal dinner:
good eats (staywash has most excellent taste in all things wedding related) [note the ginormous cookie in hand]

-the speeches were topnotch. Awash's dentist friend gave a hilarious speech (too bad it was basically the speach that JW planned on giving the following night). My good friend TMosk gave the only speech that brought a tear to my eye. The fact that I was in it? Merely coincidence.
-Jude's new favorite game is chase me/chase Auntie Taryn. I give myself props for being able to maintain this game at a high velocity for over an hour, sans knee brace
-the hotel for the affair was redonculous. Check out one of the views for my hotel room. Yes that is me in the back, I feel it adds an artsy flair.

-got to see Adam and Jen again. Definitely amongst my favorite folks. Didn't get to hang as much as I would like but I know I'll get to see them for turkey soon.
-StayWash was absolutely stunning in her dress. She truly was the perfect bride.
-Awash looked good too, and he didn't make me bend in pictures with him!
-Top notch food

-the open bar was a fantastic idea! I enjoyed it thoroughly. (note my nephew to the right, we start young in my family)
-good times with the family, good dancing, good to see old friends I haven't seen in awhile and AWash's friends are fantastic fun folks
-the vomit was nasty
-running for 1 hour sans brace was not wise.
-twisting the ankle not fun
-having to say goodbye to JW, Jude, and Yan
***UPDATED - I forgot to put the absensce of Jon and Angie here before. Because really, those two definitely add flair to events that they attend. Sadly they fell victim to the year of a bazillion weddings
-not writing about this earlier, because some of my memories have managed to fade already. End result? I know I had a wicked pissa time and I'm happy to have a new sister in law because she makes my brother veddy happy.

So for all of you that missed me, here's my diddy to signify that I'm back. Guess who's back? Back again? TDawg's back...tell a friend!
It was an amazing wedding!!! I will say the best wedding I have been to except for ours ofcourse. We set the trend:)
Good to have you back!!!
Yanicke, you said the same thing about my wedding. I feel so used.
well in all fairness, it is the right of every bride to believe that their wedding was the best. Me? I think each wedding was the best....in their own way
it is a not a competition to see who has the best wedding.
for all you runners-up that is.
welcome back TAW
welcome back TAW
Jon JOn all of the weddings had a unique flare and what I loved the most is seeing every one's individual taste. I think your wedding rocked Jon Jon!!! The best part is when they played "Drop like it is hot" heavy metal style... CLASSIC!!
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