Yum Yum, I do so love the holidays. Here's a much delayed round up of holiday events and personal observations.
-Wednesday night, I sit very confused in my house, aware that there is something that I traditionally do but cannot remember. So what do I do? I hop in the shower. And good thing too! When I get out I have a message from Jen asking me when I'm getting to the local Irish pub for fun and festivities. Ah ha! I think to myself, that is what I do. I did not realize how much I depend on the JW to remind of my drinking duties. I gussied up and went over to join Mr and Mrs. Mo, Plan B and JK. JK most definitely took up the drinking void that was left by the absence of Wash and YaWash.
-I find it amusing when Natick folk don't recognize each other (see AWash completely drawing a blank when our neighbor of forever and a day tried to speak to him last year). This year the Capt Oblivious Award goes to Plan B. I come back from one of many trips to the Powder Room (three toilets don't swing it for reunion night), I come back and JK has gone missing. I ask Plan B where he is and he starts laughing that JK has been hitting on some girl at the bar. I take a peek and it is none other than Lizzy K. Who is the daughter of momma K's friend. Strictly Platonico. Fear not Angie, you could totally take her.
-Next Day is turkey day. Another day where JW was missed. Why? Cause in addition to my baking duties I was forced into manual labor that is usually covered by his Washness. Then there was the whole missing my fam bit. We were down a few this time, only 16 and all of the missing parties were misseed. It made for one of the most sparsely filled "Kid Picture" to date (see bottom)
-my apple pie was DEVOURED so quickly that papa Dub almost didn't get any and we know that wouldn't have ended well, so next year I must make 3 pies this way AWash gets a pie the way he likes it and won't pout while he eats.
-I braved the shopping malls on Black Friday and honestly I don't get what the big deal is. Sure I practiced my karate chop and the trusty bait and switch moves that have worked so well in the past. I even did some practice "underfire" parking on my street before I embarked. But what a waste! I had zilch difficulty in parking at CC, minimal issues at BB and absolutely not problemo getting a primo spot at the Mall at noon (course there was that tricky matter of defensively driving the wrong way down a one way lane of the parking garage, but in my defense who has ever heard of direction specificity in a parking garage?) Anywho, it was a vaguely successfuly venture, I got one sister in law taken care of, a preliminary gift for anonymous nephew, and a couple of things for the brothers wash.
-Most ironic sight of the week thus far. A giant Land Rover on SUPER SUPED up tires covered in bumper stickers that one would think would belong on say....oh i don't know a Prius. Silly environ freak driving a gas guzzling SUV, gotta love it
good write up tartar. ..sounds like it was pretty nice. Jon looks like a drunk bastard in all those pics. Tell me he wasn't hitting on mom again.
he wasn't, but i did spot him looking longingly at the picture of you in the living room
god help us.
holy crap why am i getting inundated with these scammers?
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