Tuesday, December 26, 2006

It's hard out here for a temp....

Long time no write. Sheesh have i had some computer issues over the last few weeks. That coupled with a new temping assignment where I (gasp) did not have access to the internet means that I haven't written for quite some time.

First things first, some shout outs:

-Many thanks to all Washes big and small for making a lovely (and lucrative) Hanukkah season. Big papa came through HUGE and provided me with a new laptop that shall not crimp my style like the old school Sony I had been sporting
-A thanks to M.Karp for a nice message thanking me for pics, very nice to hear people appreciating my work
-Many apologies to YaWash, I know you're supposed to be relaxin and how can you do so without some quality reading material? I'm baacccck so no worries no more

Still haven't heard from the folks at "Hazelnut High" about my compensation. I proposed them purchasing the texts from each course that they discarded my notes.....I don't think they're down with that since it's gonna reach about $200 but it'd be nice if they responded.
Secured 2/3 of the recommendations that I need for a fellowship that I am applying for. I don't have a good feeling about this one because I think they are hoping to hire a minority but seeing as disqualifying on account of my race would be "illegal" I'm trying to keep positive. Haven't heard from the human capital analyst that I applied to which I tend to think means that I'm not being considered but it is an awkward time of year for hiring so who knows?
My latest assignment as taken me to Wellesley Hills where I've been entering serial numbers for the new Charlie Cards (cause Boston has finally joined the rest of the country in establishing a card system for mass transit). There are three other temps. Let's just say that only of them made work more bearable. Cool chick who is getting married so we chatted about all things wedding (still in the mode). Lucky for us we even got put in our own area, but I think we irritated people with our chatting cause a lot of doors tended to close around us. Sadly she had other jobs so she wasn't always around. As for the other two? Well, one is in her early thirties and has two kids. A psychologist may say this would cause some stunted maturity since she was taking care of her kid during her youth. This may account for some of her less desirable work ethic traits. This girl got all kinds of praise that first day she was around cause she could type fast, but she didn't think to keep the cards in order (which FYI is the second most important aspect of the task), then she would come and go as she pleased. Then she thought it would be fun to roam around our boss's personal computer...NOT COOL. Plus, this chick would keep telling stories that make me wonder if she is aware that she is no longer 22. She has actually used duct tape to bind her "tummy" in while she went clubbing. YOWZA. And the topper? She asked me how my Christmas was. I told her that I was of the Tribal religion which didn't seem to register with her because she didn't know that us "Tribal Folk" do not celebrate the birth of Christ. What person over the age of 6 doesn't realize that not everyone celebrates Christmas? I mean really in this PC age. Then there's the boy. He's still a teenager, thinks it cool to show up to work in a hoodie and eat all of the office's food. More importantly, he thinks that when he's sick or otherwise unable to come to work that it is acceptable to call me and have me talk to our boss. Um, no! Dude lives down the street from me which means i've been driving him to and from work with a promise of gas payment. Too bad he got canned before giving me this gas card. I say good riddance though cause he made everything he was involved in waaaaaaaaaaaay too complicated....
I think that does a good job of bringing everyone up to date. Now that i'm all fancy and wireless I promise to do better with the updating.

Adios for now.


Anonymous said...

So what's up with your wedding photographer plan? You have the camera, you have the laptop.. .Just put an ad on Craigslist and boom, you're in business. If you need a reference just use jon, adam or one of my other loser married friends.

Anonymous said...

oh and welcome back!

Anonymous said...

i don't have the camera for professional uses, but i am going to get some software. The SLR camera is the next big ticket item on my list which now that the computer has been taken care of is growing smaller and smaller

YanYan said...

Wicked! Wireless Babeee!!!