Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Hold Your Horses

All righty people, I know that y'all know I was at a very important function this weekend. However, my wrap up and commentary on said event shall have to wait a wee bit longer because I can not do this post justice without my ability to post appropriate photos to correspond. As my eldest brother, "AWash" has said on several occasions. My superhero power is the ability to disable electronic equipment. Well my ability is not under control yet and I have to bring the laptop in to the repair shop to see if it can be fixed. if not, then I shall be making quite a large purchase soon which is a bit disturbing since my temping gig at Mt. Ida ends on Friday.

To tide you over until my recap here is another sad excuse for a joke (though I like the fact that I can make the pregnant lady laugh even if it is incredibly cheesey)

Why do they call Newton the Garden City?
Because there is a Rosenblum (sound it out) on every corner.



YanYan said...

OK that one was cheesy... I finally updated my blog and what along one it is. I hope you get your computer fixed.

Bring on the jokes . .

YanYan said...

HOw do you stop 4 black kids from jumping on the bed>?

Put velcro on the ceiling...

Hee Hee Hee!!! I know that one is old.

Anonymous said...

there is too much cheese in this house.

YanYan said...

You should buy your sister a computer. Can't you see she cannot function with out one. She has not done a post in god knows how long.


Anonymous said...

i guess no computer means you can't send us your pics from the wedding either, huh?

Anonymous said...

We miss your daily post..

YanYan said...

No, Halloween post. OK this is really bad now...

Anonymous said...

no halloween post, no wedding post. When did you stop caring tartar?