To add insult to injury, I took him on a car ride on sunday. Why? Because he was stalking me around the house for his weekend drive and my mom said to take him for a quick ride and then we'd hit the mall. We like to go before all those church goers get out of services, makes parking easy. Well, as i made a left turn, samson was standing and barking out of the passenger side window. Deadly combo. Yep, he fell and got wedged between the front and back seats. Neither bone, nor cheese, nor the belief that AWash (which did get him looking around excitedly) could motivate him to rise. My efforts to boost his bottom with my cold crutch were futile. Then DING DING DING, I am smacked with inspiration. Hand off the leash to my moms and go to our friendly next door neighbors who own a mini pinscher named Nico. I ask for a weird favor and then ask to borrow Nico for motivation. "might as well be useful to somebody" I am told. I get the littlest dog with the biggest complex in the world on a leash. i haven't even passed the fence when I can see my car moving back and forth as samson is trying to meet his enemy. He makes a valiant attempt but cannot get out the way we wanted. so i bring Nico around to the otherside at which point samson very eagerly escapes the confines of the car and in a great jump madly approaches Nico. Mission Accomplished!!!!
- Did my duty and voted on Tuesday...my guy won. I say "my guy" but once again it seems as though the election was choosing between the lesser of two evils. Kinda sad when you think about it, but then again I suppose its near impossible to agree with a candidate on every issue. Especially for someone like me who finds themselves leaning on the conservative edge when it comes to criminal justice related issues and liberal when it comes to everything else.
- I've got a beef with two corporations. One of them is screwing my parents out of a new dishwasher. They have a service plan that says after 4 visits POOF new machine. Well after the 7 visit in the last few months, they claim no no no, we want to try and replace all of the mechanisms inside first and if that doesn't work then you get a new machine. Seem more fiscally responsible on both ends if we just got a machine. The policy means we're not paying for these parts, but I can't imagine that essentially replacing all of the parts is more cost effective than just giving a new machine. Losers! Second beef? A certain wholesaler seems to be jerking me around. I had a choice between this wholesaler and Mt. Ida during the summer and chose Mt. Ida at the time. Given the choice again, I'd choose Mt. Ida over and over. Well this wholesaler had an opportunity on a temporary basis so I decided to give it a shot. Met with them on Monday and as today is Thursday I still have not heard from them. Seeing as the last time I interviewed I heard the same day I have an inkling that pay back might be the name of the game.
-just sent my resume and a reference within the company to this place in DC, so perhaps I'll have to consider moving once again.
-some more revelations from the wedding. It was brought to my attention that my eldest brother AWash believes that I need a man to "take care of me". The anonymous source said that at one point he was being considered as a suitable match for me but now that he is taken, my brother might be turning his sights on another friend. Very cute that he thinks I need to be taken care of, but a little sad that he doesn't think I'd be able to find someone suitable on my own. Though given my track record, I suppose I shouldn't be surprised.
-Working in the Development office at the Ida influenced my decision to donate to GW this year for the first time ever. What do i get? An extrememly non personal printed receipt for my records, not the slightly less inpersonal acknowledgement letter that the Mustangs send out. Stupid over priced hoity toity school.
-New favorite store opening: Petsmart (I'm sure this will wear off as Loew's and the new mall stores will be opening throughout the year). But where else can you get pet supplies, a kennel/daycare, full service grooming, and vet clinic in one place???? Totally Rad
-Ride Emmit Ride! I'm pumped that Emmit Smith made it to the finals! Who would've thunk that a running back would be more graceful than a wide receiver (love you Jerry Rice, but Emmit blows you away)
I wonder if Petsmart is hiring? Just keep "anti-technology superpower" off the resume. AW
You donated to GW!! isn't their tuition like $45,000 per year.. They should be giving people like me donations for having to live in a world where college costs $45,000 per year. I was going to calculate how much that is per day, but i'm too lazy. My best estimate is $100 -$150 per day. They beter be giving you backrubs and spa treatment down there.
Wow, even the spam-bots think you need to get a job.
Tell AW that you do not need a man to take care of you, maybe a companion. YEah! I must say I am really satisfied with the results from the votes. Hey, now I know who Anonymous is... There is a Mr. Anonymous who left something really distrubing on my blog. It could never be my sweet brother in law Alex. He would never post that and get me heated. No, it can't be!
welcome back! It is nice to have our grandpi here.
1) JW, the tuition is actually something like 50,000 a year now
2) Yan, I cut you some slack in not realizing who Anonymous was, attributing your rabid political mojo to clouding your senses. I knew you'd figure it out eventually
3) JK, OUCH that one hurt, you best watch yourself, word on the street is that you're coming to my house for turkey and Sammy might be eating Karp if you hit below the belt again.
I hope you get the job at BJ's
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