One week of rain results in high humidity levels. This week of rain happens to be corresponding to a particular week of the month during which I suffer from increased bitchiness and susceptibility to pain. Awesome. Do we see where I am going with this? I am in and have been in severe pain for the last few days. Part of the problem of having a twice surgically repaired knee and one in which the inside was deteriorating to the point for my doctor to refer to it as the knee of a senior citizen and not the young person that I am.
So I'm feeling bitchy and moany and all kinds of not nice. What could help this situation? A friendly question of "are you okay?". What does not help? Getting a phone call and being accused of being a grumpy pants and then assorted other ribbing which while good natured, feeds my anger and nearly resulted in a quick hang up of the telephone. Lucky for me or Mr. Anonymous, Samson's bowels came into play and I was given a legitimate reason for my quick departure off the phone.
-You know what else bugs me? Annoying telemarketers. I have a heart, I get the purpose for charities, but gimme a break. Being harassed by the organization makes me LESS not MORE likely to donate to your cause. When I'm prepared to make donations, I will do it and those places that call repeatedly will fall to the bottom of the list. Then there is the retail worker whom I encountered today. 1) it is not my fault that your store is not doing a good job of keeping their supplies in a fashion that makes sense and is easy to locate different sizes and styles. Yes, I was probably bitchy in my remarks, but guess what? You work in retail and that is part of the job description to handle angry patrons in a professional manner. Bitch to all your friends when I've left the store but it is your job to make me feel as though my complaints are legit and not that I'm annoying you by asking about shipments.
-The Wal-Mart greeter is a good idea in theory....I guess. Today there was a very elderly gentleman assigned this task. Now, I don't like to be rude and if they acknowledge me, I greet them right back, cause lets face it...that job sucks. Today, I walked towards him...nothing, as I am passed him, he shouts "HI HOW ARE YOU TODAY", i was so shocked by this sudden display of life that I jumped and was unable to verbalize a response. Made me feel guilty, but then again given the volume at which he spoke, it is entirely possible that he would never have heard my response anyway.
-I was glad when the early 90's fed into the mid 90's for a variety of reasons, but one of them was that there would be no more hammer pants. Both brothers Wash, were guilty of this trend. I tried to get a picture for this but I cannot at this time. The point is that Emmitt managed to pull off his best Hammer imitation like a true MVP last night. Absolutely fraktastic! Mario wasn't bad either though I couldn't figure out what Tiffani Amber Thiessen was doing in the audience til I remembered the SBTB connection early this am. Should be interesting to see who is crowned champ.
-Vinny Testaverde? Really? I mean seriously Billy Boy, is there something that Patriots Nation should be aware of? Further evidence of the Leave the Pats Curse, David Givens aka Mr. Greedy Pants the first, left for the Titans and was immediately plagued by injury. Guess what? He's done for the rest of the season having played for a cumulative 2 games max. Add that to the injuries that plague Ty Law and other greedy desserters and it means that Deion "delicate" Branch is only a matter of quarters away from suffering another injury. Ah well
- poor sucker in fantasy football. My team is decidedly pathetic in all respects. I attribute most of this to the bogus scoring system but I've already discussed that. At least I can bring other folks down. I have 2 wins (including against the current Board Leader) and this week my opponent only managed a tie against my sad sack of a team. hehehe
I think that's enough bitching and moaning for the day, you dont like it? Nobody told you to read it all the way through.
go back on sabattical. just kidding- hey don't knock the wal-mart greeter. That job rules. You just stand there and say hi to people. Almost as good as the elevator manboy job-- i blogged about that one sometime ago. You just smoke a large doobie, listen to the elevator CD player, and ride up and down. Righteous!!
I'm going to take a sabbatical from commenting on your blog.
Okay, I'm back.
Did you know WalMart started using those greeters to prevent shoplifting? You see, old people, while slow and dangerous behind the wheel, can still serve a purpose.
yeah, the old man who can't lift his head to say hi is going to deter me and my shoplifting tendencies. I think even with my ole lady knee I could outrun him
PS: two weeks to the day, I got another request for money from GW, frickin greedy bastids
If you send anyone money, send it to JW, not GW.
Hi Taryn, now that I know this is your blog, it's the only way I know of to reach you. Send me an email if you feel like it, I want to ask you something...thanks
hey tartar, when do we get to see pics from thanksgiving??????!?!?
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