Saturday, March 10, 2007


Samson Washkowitz
March 1996-March 2007

Apparently we did not have as much time left together as I had thought. I'll be peacing out of the blog scene while I grieve a loss that most will not understand.


Anonymous said...

RIP Sammy. ..He was a good dog .11 years is a pretty long life for any dog, especially a big boy like Sammy. His time on earth was good, and i think he enjoyed it. It's the cycle of life. .he has returned to the force, as we all wiil. Losing a dog is like losing a family member..we feel your pain. Hell I was a mess when we gave our choc lab away after only 2 years. The little bastard hopped in hiw new owner's car and didn't even look back!!! Anyway, hope you feel better, call me if you wanna talk :)

Anonymous said...

thanks jw. Not so ready to talk yet as it causes the tears to start falling. Your voicemail did make me feel better. Its nice to think of him hanging with Shayna and Muffin.

Anonymous said...

So sorry Taryn. I know what it's like to lose a dog. Very sad...

YanYan said...


I am so sorry!!! I know I did not get to know Sammy well but I know he was your heart. Who cares if others don't understand. All that matters is that he was special to you. Some people have connections with animals that others don't. There must be some thing special about you and Sammy identified with it:)

Anonymous said...

Very sorry for your loss.

My pets are like my children. So I'm really sorry.

YanYan said...

To lighten up the mood a little: Is that a panty on Sammy's head??

YanYan said...

Hey, what book is mARLEY AND ME??? IS THAT BOB MARLEY?

Anonymous said...

Yanicke, of course its a panty. You know we W' men don't play around.

Anonymous said...

leave it to the hippies to turn the halo into something dirtay. Its actually some ribbon thing that came on a gift. Think Halo effect NOT panties.

Yan: Marley and Me is a book about an author and his first dog as an adult. It's actually a really good read...sad at the end but well worth the read