Monday, April 16, 2007

Breaking News....

1) Lance Bass is gay?! Who saw that one coming?
2) Larry Birkhead is the baby daddy. Gotta say I feel bad for Howard Stern. I think he's kinda scummy, but I also think he actually believed he was the father so that's gotta suck
3) Most shocking news of all: Tori Spelling's boobs are REAL. Definitely did not see that revelation coming, but sure enough she talks about breastfeeding in last week's People. And unless her kid is on a silicone supplemented diet, that means that she has not been "enhanced" like so many, including myself, believed
4)Ran into a new snafu with my cake business. Haven't quite figured out how I would ship some items that require refrigeration. I know it is doable, I just haven't put it together in a feasible fashion for me
5)Don Imus was fired. This isn't really a good forum but I tend to think that this should not have happened. A two week suspension was not right, but neither was firing him. I do find the hypocrisy somewhat enjoyable to watch when Sharpton and Jesse Jackson get involved and people for the most forget the hurtful things that they have said about other groups. Even jumping on the bandwagon with no evidence in calling the Duke Lacrosse player rapists. Also enjoy when Oprah gets involved. Don't get me wrong, she does a lot of good. But, Lord help you if you are on her show and she disagrees with your point of view, particularly when it comes to race relations. It's like you don't exist on the show. Check out a tape of the Crash cast's visit to the Oprah show and you can watch her shut Don Cheadle and Ludacris out of the conversation because she didn't like what they had to say.

Stay tuned, sometime this week I shall have my list of company names posted.


Anonymous said...

i know, i'm a wee bit behind in my postings, the tori spelling thing was shocking, no?

Jon said...

JLH's boobs have to be real. Otherwise, there's just no hope left in this world...

YanYan said...

You can breastfeed with implants. I know too many girls who are doing it. They claim it is safe because they put the implant behind the muscle. I know a friend who is doing it right now. Yes, Tory's are FAKE!